Thursday, January 30, 2025
On Tour: Nai Barghouti
By Erin Cobby
Vocal invention and demonstration of Palestinian joy as Nai Barghouti embarks on a UK tour
Through her UK tour, which runs from February 8–22, Palestinian singer, composer and flautist Nai Barghouti aims to disrupt the narrative of Palestine that dominates Western media channels. “I hope to be able to show the reality of Palestine”, she tells me. “Not only the grief, sadness, loss and suffering, which are unfortunately a huge part of our lives, but also the beauty, talent and joy in life despite everything. We must carry resilience and hope with us wherever we go.”
Nai’s disruptive nature doesn’t stop with her messaging. She is a pioneer of a vocal technique which she calls ‘DandaNai’ in Arabic or ‘Naistrumentation’ in English, in which she replicates instrumentation using just her voice. Those lucky enough to see her live should listen out for this, particularly on ‘Longa Hijaz Kar Kurd’, an Ottoman instrumental piece which sees Nai impersonate the complex melodies and fast tempo to great effect. The rest of her set weaves together further rearrangements of famous pieces as well as original work which blends Arabic maqams and Western jazz and classical music.
Nai’s sets are also an exercise in invention. “The music I perform has many moments of complete spontaneity between the band members and I”, she explains. “It sometimes presents itself as improvisation or in certain songs with a particular groove or feeling. Going on stage with absolutely no idea how things will turn out is both a blessing and a curse. It makes you feel like you are on the edge; hopefully not the edge of the stage… but on the edge musically. The edge is where many great notes are born!”
If Nai is anything to go by, the edge births not only great notes, but incredible artists also. Go and see this extemporising artist at work and help spread her message of hope and resilience.
8 Feb Glasgow Royal Concert Hall; 12 Feb Cambridge Junction; 13 Feb Ludlow Assembly Rooms; 15 Feb Howard Assembly Rooms, Leeds; 16 Feb Manchester Town Hall; 18 Feb The Bradshaw Hall, Birmingham; 19 Feb Wiltshire Music Hall; 22 Feb Cadogan Hall, London