Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Quickfire: George Telek
One of Papua New Guinea’s most celebrated singer-songwriters talks secret society survival strategies, and hypes up some of his region’s most essential artists and albums

What are you listening to?
The Revanmates Stringband, from the Duke of York Islands.
Your all-time favourite album?
Sanguma’s Papua New Guinea. They melded traditional with contemporary PNG sounds and took it to the world. They were ground-breakers and helped people like me believe in ourselves.
Musician you most admire?
Tony Subam, the leader of Sanguma. We connected when we toured the world together. As a man of knowledge, his encouragement and support meant a lot to me.
Favourite new artists?
Charles Maimarosia from A’re A’re in the Solomon Islands, or Tio from Vanuatu.
Memorable musical encounter?
Meeting Youssou N’Dour at WOMAD. He was interested in my culture, style and country. He made me feel like I belonged there.
First album you ever bought?
I was always a huge fan of The Beatles. Theirs were the first cassettes that I bought. The PNG music scene is different to anywhere else in the world. We don’t get to hear everything and buying albums wasn’t always possible. We just heard songs on the radio.
Your hidden talent?
I am a Gunantuna man and my singing represents this Tubuan society. It is a secret society, but one that has enabled my Tolai people to survive three massive volcanic eruptions, two world wars and three colonial overlords.
Read the review of George Telek’s Kambek (I Lilikun Mulai)
This interview originally appeared in the January/February 2023 issue of Songlines. Never miss an issue – subscribe today