Monday, January 17, 2022
Dugri: Straight Talkin'
By Russ Slater
The latest on the unlikely rap alliance confronting Arab-Jewish racism from both sides

An unlikely pair of rappers, Israeli Jew Uriya Rosenman and Palestinian Sameh Zakout, have joined forces to discuss identity and stereotypes. The duo first came to attention when the song ‘Bo Nedaber Dugri’ (Let’s Talk Straight) was released in May 2021. Inspired by Joyner Lucas’ moving ‘I’m Not Racist’, the video features the two rappers throwing racist slurs at each other, with many based on actual insults they’d heard or been told about, leading to lyrics such as ‘wherever there are Arabs, there are terrorist attacks. And you expect to get into nightclubs?’ and ‘I don’t support terror, I’m against violence, but 70 years of occupation, of course there will be resistance.’ The song was viewed millions of times on the Israeli daily newspaper Ynet, with even more views across social media.

Calling themselves Dugri, they are now back with a follow-up, ‘Munfas’, whose chorus translates as ‘I can’t breathe.’ Instead of throwing insults at each other this time their ire is directed at those in power, sharing their frustration at the interminable political deadlock. Both songs form part of their Let’s Talk Straight social project through which they are releasing music as well as visiting schools where they explain their lyrics and aim to build a joint Israeli-Palestine narrative.