Thursday, April 15, 2021
Getting back to gigs: the music industry needs you!
Music fans’ views sought to help the UK's live music industry plan for the safe return of gigs

Music Venue Trust (MVT) is calling on all fans of live music and grassroots music venues to complete the live music industry’s survey before it closes on 20 April. Aiming to gather important information about audience habits pre-and-post- pandemic, the survey will be used to aid the sector to reopen every venue safely. Data will be used to “help the live entertainment sector plan its recovery and hopefully get back to normal as quick as possible”.
Click here to take the survey, which takes just two minutes to complete.
“We’ve spent the last 13 months on the campaign to reopen every venue safely and have had tremendous support from the public,” said MVT’s CEO Mark Davyd. “We are entering what we hope will be the final phases of that campaign now. There is some work to do on our Red List Save Our Venues campaign to ensure that every venue has received the support it needs to prevent permanent closure and gets the chance to reopen, but we really need to understand exactly what it is that audiences want, expect, and need to see so they will feel safe and confident to return.”
“The survey gives everyone that loves live music the chance to tell us how they feel, what measures would encourage them to return and what might make them reluctant. It’s absolutely vital that everyone who wants live music back takes part so we can clearly understand what venues need to do and support them to do it.” Davyd continued. “We are so close to bringing back grassroots live music safely, please give us two minutes of your time so we can build the tools to get it done.”
MVT is also encouraging fans to share the survey via social media, using the hashtag #revivelive