Friday, July 19, 2019
Songlines Remix Competition shortlist revealed – vote now!
By Jim Hickson
Six remixes of Sir David Attenborough's 1956 recording of gender wayang have made the shortlist. Now it's your turn to choose the winner!

We’ve had some exciting developments since we launched the Songlines Remix Competition in May. The competition, which is run in partnership with PRS Foundation, saw over 300 producers making their very own remix of a gender wayang piece by musicians from the village of Teges Kanginan in Bali, recorded in 1956 by Sir David Attenborough. Our distinguished panel comprising Sir David himself, Cerys Matthews, Ghostpoet, Gilles Peterson, Hannah Peel and Matthew Herbert, as well as gamelan expert Andy Channing, have whittled down the entries to a shortlist of six, and now it’s your turn! The public vote is open now until September 15 – just head to
The six shortlisted tracks come courtesy of the producers Arca, Burland, Clism, Kottarashky, Alison Selby and Sally Street. You can listen to all six tracks on the voting page as well as the special edition of the Songlines Podcast presented by Cerys Matthews, available on iTunes now. The winning remix will be announced on November 1 in the December issue of Songlines (#153) and the producer will receive their award and perform at this year’s Songlines Music Awards ceremony on November 30 at EartH in London – tickets are on sale now.
And that’s not all! Due to some wild press coverage and passionate discussions on international gamelan forums, we’ve managed to identify not just the original musicians who performed the gender wayang piece – Madé Gerindem, Madé Locong, Ketut Gerinding and Wayan Nyampuh – but also their descendants who still live in Teges Kanginan. We’ve been able to contact them and arrange to pay the artist royalties due from the album sales. You can read more about this in an excellent article by Edward Herbst in the August/September issue of Songlines (#150), on sale now.