Friday, June 28, 2024
West Of Roan Illumine Personal Parables With Animated Premiere
Myth-steeped US folk duo herald forthcoming full-length with symbolic representations of fable, allegory and spiritual-cipher semiotics

Channing Showalter and Annie Schermer (aka West of Roan)
Washington multimedia artists Channing Showalter and Annie Schermer, aka West of Roan, mark the upcoming release of their second album and first for SPINSTER, Queen of Eyes, with a video premiere for serenely sylvan new single, ‘By All The Light’, a dreamweaver recalling the bucolic works of Anne Briggs, Joanna Newsom and Big Blood.
Showalter’s pantheist, primitivist imagery chronicles creation’s manifold splendours in a succession of expressively glyphic dioramas, reflecting the song’s core message of finding a fabled solace in our surroundings and also one another, as the pair (both members of acclaimed freak-folk collective Doran) lullaby on the phrase, ‘Sing, sing a song of living through the dying of the day,' to accompaniments of sweetly arpeggiating guitar and the gentle ebb-and-flow of a tenderly burring fiddle.
Queen of Eyes will be released via SPINSTER on July 12