Friday, October 11, 2024
WOMEX 2024 Playlist
WOMEX 2024 is just around the corner! With organisations and artists descending onto Manchester from all over the world, it's shaping up to be an unmissable event, and we have a great primer to discover some of the artists on offer.

Les Mamans du Congo & Rrobin (Photo by Vivi What)
WOMEX 2024 is not only a special edition of the 'worldwide music expo' because it's taking place just up the road in Manchester, but also because many of the shows happening during the event are open to the public - which is not always the case. So, if you want to hear some of the most exciting names in global music, as well as plenty from the UK too, then you should get yourself over to Manchester this October.
We've already had a lot of fun putting together a handy playlist of some of our favourite artists who are showcasing. Some artists will be known to Songlines readers, such as the stunning voice of Guatamala’s Sara Curruchich, the iconic sounds of Orchestra Baobab, who are currently marking their 50 years of existence with a tour or Les Mamans du Congo & Rrobin, who put out one of our albums of the year in 2023. However, there are plenty of new artists in there too, like Sarab, Ëda Diaz and Strange Boy, which stand as a testament to the diverse offerings WOMEX provides.
Have a listen to the playlist below:
Industry information on WOMEX can be found at with public tickets for shows available from