Thursday, June 8, 2023
World Heart Beat on the pulse for Wigmore Hall fundraiser
Leading music education charity, World Heart Beat, to host a spectacular money-raising gala in London next month

Çiğdem Aslan
Leading education music charity, World Heart Beat, have announced an enticing night of fun and philanthropy at London’s Wigmore Hall on July 6, with all proceeds from the event going to help disadvantaged children and young people in their musical schooling.
The special evening concert boasts a bevy of stellar names from world music, classical and jazz, stepping out alongside emerging young talents from the World Heart Beat Academy.
Highlights include a duet featuring She’Koyokh’s Kurdish singer Çiğdem Aslan and acclaimed Serbian accordionist Zivorad Nikolic, with the pair performing Anatolian folk songs and the sevdah of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as a special appearance from one of the world’s foremost flamenco guitar players, Paco Peña.
Visit here for more details and ticket information