Reviews | Songlines


Review of Zanzibara 7: Sikinde vs Ndekule

Zanzibara 7: Sikinde vs Ndekule


Buda Musique

Rating: ★★★★

This fine addition to the confusingly titled Zanzibara series focuses on two of the leading bands from the astonishingly fertile...

Reviewed in issue Nov/Dec/2013

Review of Alafia


Sidi Touré

Top of the World

Thrill Jockey

Rating: ★★★★

You wait 15 years for a new Sidi Touré album and then, like a fleet of bush taxis, three come...

Reviewed in issue Nov/Dec/2013

Review of Malagasy Blues Song

Malagasy Blues Song

Lala Njava

Riveiboat Records

Rating: ★★★★

Music and spirituality are intertwined in Madagascar. Lala Njava learned her warm, sonorous singing technique from the resident shaman in...

Reviewed in issue Nov/Dec/2013

Review of Habibi: Algérie de ma Jeunesse

Habibi: Algérie de ma Jeunesse


Milan Records

Rating: ★★★★

What a charming CD this is, evoking an alluring world of white linen jackets, pencil moustaches, fez hats and nightclubs...

Reviewed in issue Nov/Dec/2013

Review of Souleymane



World Village

Rating: ★★★★

Debademba consists of singer Mohamed Diaby, who comes from a Malian griot family and was raised in Abidjan in the...

Reviewed in issue Nov/Dec/2013

Review of Bwati Kono Vol 1

Bwati Kono Vol 1

Lobi Traoré

Top of the World

KSK Records

Rating: ★★★★

The death of Lobi Traoré in 2010 at the age of 49 deprived the Malian music scene of a blues...

Reviewed in issue October/2013

Review of Mon Pays

Mon Pays

Vieux Farka Touré

Top of the World

Six Degrees Records

Rating: ★★★★

After three fine solo studio albums and his imaginative collaboration with the Israeli singer-songwriter Idan Raichel, Touré has surely earned...

Reviewed in issue October/2013

Review of Cherie Na N’ga

Cherie Na N’ga

Jeannot Bel

Prosmart Studio

Rating: ★★★

Born Belangeni Musumbu in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Bel was raised in Kinshasa but is now resident in London....

Reviewed in issue October/2013

Review of Treasures of Algiers Chaâbi

Treasures of Algiers Chaâbi


Buda Musique

Rating: ★★★

Much like the traditional fado of Lisbon or the rebetika of Piraeus, chaâbi is often described as being the blues...

Reviewed in issue October/2013

Review of Kamélé Yeleen

Kamélé Yeleen

Moussa Pantio Diabaté & Baragnouma


Rating: ★★

Moussa Pantio Diabaté is a balafon (xylophone) player from Burkina Faso. With the help of Arts Council funding he was...

Reviewed in issue October/2013

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