Reviews | Songlines


Review of BanningsviNe


Flammé Kapaya

Buda Music

Rating: ★★★★

Flammé Kapaya will be a new name to many. But he spent a decade backing the Congolese singer Werrason in...

Reviewed in issue June/2013

Review of Shango


Peter King

Mr Bongo

Rating: ★★★

Towards the end of the 90s, a penchant for turning up new club-friendly tunes encouraged a slew of record aficionados...

Reviewed in issue June/2013

Review of Benin Awake Vol 1

Benin Awake Vol 1


Sheer Sound

Rating: ★★

Masterminded by Sheer Publishing, better known for placing African-authored songs in homegrown films like Tsotsi and District 9, this triumvirate...

Reviewed in issue June/2013

Review of The Rough Guide To Acoustic Africa

The Rough Guide To Acoustic Africa


World Music Network (2 CDs,)

Rating: ★★★★

Those who read the recent debate in Songlines about global hip-hop and share a fear that the ubiquity of rap...

Reviewed in issue June/2013

Review of C’est La Vie

C’est La Vie



Rating: ★★

Many listeners admired the king of rai’s last couple of albums, notably Liberté, which heard his characterful voice unchained from...

Reviewed in issue June/2013

Review of Nomad



Top of the World


Rating: ★★★★

There's a growing trend for West African acts to court global popularity by employing Anglo-American producers to give them a...

Reviewed in issue June/2013

Review of Zoom


Rachid Taha

Top of the World

Wrasse Records

Rating: ★★★★

Rachid Taha's first album in four years is not quite in the same bracket as Muhammad Ali's retrieval of the...

Reviewed in issue June/2013

Review of Dur-Dur, Vol 5

Dur-Dur, Vol 5

Dur-Dur Band

Awesome Tapes from Africa

Rating: ★★★★★

It looks to me like this decade is seeing a huge growth in sales of retro world music albums, which...

Reviewed in issue June/2013

Review of Sarawoga


Oliver Mtukudzi

Sheer Sound

Rating: ★★★★

Dedicated to his son Sam, who died in a tragic car accident, the Zimbabwean veteran’s latest album opens with the...

Reviewed in issue June/2013

Review of The Rough Guide to African Disco

The Rough Guide to African Disco


World Music Network (2 CDs,)

Rating: ★★★

Bursting out of 70s America, with a white-suited Travolta at the helm, disco called the world to dance. Its funk,...

Reviewed in issue June/2013

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