Reviews | Songlines


Review of London Acoustic Set

London Acoustic Set

Carmen Souza Duo feat Theo Pas’cal


Rating: ★★★

Sheared back to not much more than her gravity-defying voice at London’s Green Note venue, Carmen Souza shows here that...

Reviewed in issue July/2012

Review of African Voices

African Voices



Rating: ★★★★

The art of a good compilation is to take the listener seamlessly from track to track even when there appears...

Reviewed in issue July/2012

Review of No Ama

No Ama

Nancy Vieira


Rating: ★★★

The daughter of a diplomat, Nancy Vieira was born in Guinea Bissau, grew up in the Cape Verdean capital, Praia,...

Reviewed in issue July/2012

Review of La Voix de la Révolution

La Voix de la Révolution

Sory Kandia Kouyaté


Rating: ★★★★

Sory Kandia Kouyaté was a link between the ancient griot tradition of sung history and the modern popular music of...

Reviewed in issue June/2012

Review of Destiny



Zimbraz/Music & Words

Rating: ★★★★

Born in Algeria during the independence war, Abderrahmane Abdelli first came to wider attention with his 1995 Real World album...

Reviewed in issue June/2012

Review of Karantamba


Bai ‘Ndigal’ Janha

Teranga Beat

Rating: ★★★★

Tiny Gambia has always struggled to maintain a musical identity beside its mighty neighbour, Senegal. For long periods its music...

Reviewed in issue June/2012

Review of Kanabory Siyama

Kanabory Siyama

Diabel Cissokho

Top of the World

World Village

Rating: ★★★★

When the great kora (harp-lute) player Kaouding Cissoko died in 2003, he was replaced in Baaba Maal's band by Diabel,...

Reviewed in issue June/2012

Review of Father Creeper

Father Creeper

Spoek Mathambo

Sub Pop

Rating: ★★★★

Singer, rapper, songwriter, producer and instrumentalist Mathambo (real name Nthato Mokgata) was born and raised in Soweto. I was about...

Reviewed in issue June/2012

Review of The Moon has Risen: Zanzibara Vol 6

The Moon has Risen: Zanzibara Vol 6

Mtendeni Maulid Ensemble

Buda Musique

Rating: ★★★★

If you get a chance to see the Mtendeni Maulid Ensemble, don't miss it. They are a group of young...

Reviewed in issue June/2012

Review of Ifetayo


Black Truth Rhythm Band

Soundway Records

Rating: ★★★

Soundway Records have an impressive catalogue of rare groove reissues, many of them from Africa. But although there are African...

Reviewed in issue June/2012

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