Reviews | Songlines


Review of Skyscrapers & Deities

Skyscrapers & Deities


No Format!

Rating: ★★★★

There have been plenty of well-meaning summit meetings over the years between West African and European musicians, partnerships that have...

Reviewed in issue March/2012

Review of The Koka Koka Sex Battalion – Music from Tanzania 1975-1980

The Koka Koka Sex Battalion – Music from Tanzania 1975-1980

Vijana Jazz Band

Top of the World


Rating: ★★★★

It's gratifying to know that some record labels are still able to recognise the value of compilations of vintage, previously...

Reviewed in issue March/2012

Review of Guitars From Agadez Vol 3

Guitars From Agadez Vol 3

Group Inerane

Sublime Frequencies

Rating: ★★

When Tinariwen stormed the citadel of the mainstream music industry, a wave of guitar-toting Touaregs followed in their wake, picking...

Reviewed in issue March/2012

Review of Contreband Mentality

Contreband Mentality

Les Frères Smith


Rating: ★★★★

Les Frères are a 14-strong Paris-based Afro-beat collective who, for some bizarre reason, all take the same surname in the...

Reviewed in issue March/2012

Review of The Kankobela of the Batonga Volume 2

The Kankobela of the Batonga Volume 2


Sharp Wood Productions

Rating: ★★★

The kankobela is a smaller version of the more well-known mbira (thumb piano) of Zimbabwe’s Shona people. The people of...

Reviewed in issue March/2012

Review of Noise & Chill Out – Ethiopian Groove Worldwide

Noise & Chill Out – Ethiopian Groove Worldwide


Ethio Sonic/Buda Musique

Rating: ★★★

The ‘Ethiopianisation’ of certain bands and their music is a curious, unpredicted scenario. Even sou-kous in its 80s peak didn’t...

Reviewed in issue March/2012

Review of Kinshasa Succursale

Kinshasa Succursale


Top of the World

Crammed Discs

Rating: ★★★★

Recorded in 2008, the story of Kinshasa Succursale has the trappings of a film script. Congolese-Belgian rapper-cum-dandy Baloji had turned...

Reviewed in issue Jan/Feb/2012

Review of King of Kwassa Kwassa: The Best of Kanda Bongo Man

King of Kwassa Kwassa: The Best of Kanda Bongo Man

Kanda Bongo Man


Rating: ★★★★

Kanda Bongo Man is one of the most successful exponents of the soukous style of music – the exuberant ‘bubblegum’...

Reviewed in issue Jan/Feb/2012

Review of Bambara Mystic Soul: The Raw Sound of Burkina Faso 1974-1979

Bambara Mystic Soul: The Raw Sound of Burkina Faso 1974-1979


Analog Africa

Rating: ★★★★

Burkina Faso has been somewhat passed over as a musical centre when compared to its West African neigh¬bours; this latest...

Reviewed in issue Jan/Feb/2012

Review of Dor de Mar

Dor de Mar


Top of the World


Rating: ★★★★★

Tcheka’s last album, Lonji, was superb and earned five stars from this reviewer. Dor de Mar is even better and...

Reviewed in issue Jan/Feb/2012

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