Reviews | Songlines


Review of Crocodile Blues

Crocodile Blues

Samba Touré

World Music Network

Rating: ★★★

Songhai Blues, Samba Touré's debut album of two years ago, was sub-titled ‘Homage To Ali Farka Touré’; the late guitarist...

Reviewed in issue Nov/Dec/2011

Review of Hugh Masekela Presents: Songs Of Migration

Hugh Masekela Presents: Songs Of Migration


Ear Theatre Records

Rating: ★★★★

Last year, Hugh Masekela and the theatre director James Ngcobo staged Songs Of Migration at the Market Theatre in Johannesburg,...

Reviewed in issue Nov/Dec/2011

Review of Halleli N'Dakarou

Halleli N'Dakarou


Teranga Beat

Rating: ★★★

This autumn's surprise from Africa comes from Banjul in the Gambia, in the shape of a band who are described...

Reviewed in issue Nov/Dec/2011

Review of Sidiba


Bako Dag

Top of the World


Rating: ★★★★

Ask any of your griot musicians from Mali, Senegal and the Gambia to name a favourite singer, and the one...

Reviewed in issue Nov/Dec/2011

Review of Journey Through Time

Journey Through Time

The Shaolin Afronauts


Rating: ★★★

On the one hand it's perhaps difficult to see quite why the world needs another Afrobeat band, replicating the 1970s...

Reviewed in issue October/2011

Review of Tassili




Rating: ★★★★

Once Tinariwen became indie rock's favourite African act, it was probably only a matter of time before they recorded their...

Reviewed in issue October/2011

Review of Gagner l'Argent Français

Gagner l'Argent Français

Mamani Keita

No Format!

Rating: ★★★★

Malian singer Mamani Keita made her name in electro-roots music with her collaboration with French musician Marc Minelli on the...

Reviewed in issue October/2011

Review of Maisha Ni Matamu

Maisha Ni Matamu

Samba Mapangala & Orchestra Virunga

Virunga Records

Rating: ★★★★

Although originating from the Congo in Central Africa, the singer Samba Mapangala is better known amongst Swahili-speaking East African fans...

Reviewed in issue October/2011

Review of The Secret

The Secret

Vieux Farka Touré

Top of the World

Six Degrees

Rating: ★★★★

In the past, some of Vieux Farka Touré's guitar playing has steered perilously close to the self-indulgent and generic, particularly...

Reviewed in issue October/2011

Review of Afro-Latin: Via Kinshasa

Afro-Latin: Via Kinshasa



Rating: ★★★

The hard part about putting together a killer compilation of music is not selecting the tracks, it's getting the licensing...

Reviewed in issue October/2011

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