Reviews | Songlines


Review of Rainy Season Blues

Rainy Season Blues

Lobi Traoré

Glitterhouse Records

Rating: ★★★★

The last session the Malian guitarist Lobi Traoré recorded before his death in June this year at the age of...

Reviewed in issue Nov/Dec/2010

Review of African Soul Revolutionary

African Soul Revolutionary

Baaba Maal


Rating: ★★★

Every slick studio release Baaba Maal puts on the market tends to prompt someone to release some unmixed, live or...

Reviewed in issue Nov/Dec/2010

Review of Les Nomades du Niger: Fulanis, Bororos & Touaregs

Les Nomades du Niger: Fulanis, Bororos & Touaregs


Frémeaux & Associés

Rating: ★★

Here's a quaint item. In the mid-70s the ethnomusicologist François Jouffa compiled some recordings made in Niger by a certain...

Reviewed in issue Nov/Dec/2010

Review of Aou Amwin

Aou Amwin

Danyèl Waro

Top of the World


Rating: ★★★★★

A life dedicated to maloya music and an approach that has allowed a music to evolve within the traditional acoustic...

Reviewed in issue Nov/Dec/2010

Review of Ethiopiques Vol 26

Ethiopiques Vol 26

Mahmoud Ahmed & The Imperial Bodyguard Band

Buda Musique

Rating: ★★★

This latest release in the long running Éthiopiques series is very much a game of two halves. The opening five...

Reviewed in issue Nov/Dec/2010

Review of The Source

The Source

Master Musicians of Jajouka


Rating: ★★

Since former Rolling Stone Brian Jones first recorded them in 1968, the sound of the musicians of Jajouka in Morocco's...

Reviewed in issue Nov/Dec/2010

Review of Le Ballet National de Guinée Conakry invite Bertrand Renaudin

Le Ballet National de Guinée Conakry invite Bertrand Renaudin

Le Ballet National de Guinée Conakry

Cristal Records CR 169

Rating: ★★★

Guinea’s Ballet National ensemble has existed since independence was won in 1958 and proudly stands as a symbol of Mande...

Reviewed in issue October/2010

Review of The King of History

The King of History

DO Misiani & Shirati Jazz

Sterns STCD3051

Rating: ★★★★

Daniel Misiani came to the attention of non-Kenyans in the late 80s with two albums released in the UK that...

Reviewed in issue October/2010

Review of Roots of OK Jazz: Congo Classics 1955-56

Roots of OK Jazz: Congo Classics 1955-56

OK Jazz

Crammed Discs CRAW 67

Rating: ★★★★

This is a reissue of a collection originally released in 1993 as part of the excellent ‘Zaire Classics’ series. Since...

Reviewed in issue October/2010

Review of Sing For Me

Sing For Me

Cherif Mbaw

World Village WVF479050

Rating: ★

From Ziguinchor, southern Senegal, the musical heartland of the country, Cherif Mbaw’s second international release brings little of his musical...

Reviewed in issue October/2010

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