Reviews | Songlines


Review of Egypt Noir

Egypt Noir


Piranha CD-PIR2337

Rating: ★★★

The idea behind this album is to present the music of the Africans from the deserts that encompass most of...

Reviewed in issue July/2010

Review of Things That Fly

Things That Fly

The Infamous Stringdusters

Sugar Hill Records SUG-CD-4059

Rating: ★★★★

If you like peppery banjo picking and close male harmonies – and you should if you're a bluegrass fan –...

Reviewed in issue July/2010

Review of Ghana Funk from the 70s

Ghana Funk from the 70s


Hippo HIP012

Rating: ★★★★

Ghana, like Benin, might not have had a Fela Kuti or a Hugh Masekela, but it always had the funk....

Reviewed in issue June/2010

Review of Bride of the Zar

Bride of the Zar


Top of the World

30IPS HOR1821

Rating: ★★★★

Rango is the name of a wooden xylophone and of a tradition that stretches back to Sudanese tribal culture, to...

Reviewed in issue June/2010

Review of Mulatu Steps Ahead

Mulatu Steps Ahead

Mulatu Astatke

Strut Records STRUT056CD

Rating: ★★★★

An influential star of the golden age of Ethiopian popular music, Mulatu Astatke was also the first African student at...

Reviewed in issue June/2010

Review of The Rough Guide to Arabic Lounge

The Rough Guide to Arabic Lounge


World Music Network RGNET1230CD

Rating: ★★★

Lounge – it's a tricky old concept. ‘Mood music that evoked exotic elsewheres’ is how the liner notes define its...

Reviewed in issue June/2010

Review of Ililta! New Ethiopian Dance Music

Ililta! New Ethiopian Dance Music


Terp Records AS15

Rating: ★★★★

You could be forgiven for presuming that, such is the Éthiopiques-fuelled fascination for Ethiopian music from the 1960s and 70s,...

Reviewed in issue June/2010

Review of Assume Crash Position

Assume Crash Position

Konono No 1

Crammed 60

Rating: ★★★★

Five years after Konono No 1's astonishing debut, the feral sound of their junkyard sonics and distorted, hypnotic grooves sounds...

Reviewed in issue June/2010

Review of Deli


Victor Démé

Naïve Records NV821011

Rating: ★★★

This second album fro m Burkinabé guitarist Victor Démé is a brave and experimental release from a man who went...

Reviewed in issue June/2010

Review of Protegid


Carmen Souza

Galileo GMC036

Rating: ★★★

Carmen Souza may share a Creole tongue with her Cape Verdean-rooted contemporaries, but that's where the comparisons end. Her voice...

Reviewed in issue June/2010

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