Reviews | Songlines


Review of Lus


Nancy Vieira

World Village WV498033

Rating: ★★★

Cesaria Evora may have put the Cape Verde islands on the musical map, but the next generation of artists from...

Reviewed in issue Jan/Feb/2010

Review of Bend Skin Beats

Bend Skin Beats

André Marie Tala

RetroAfric RETR023CD

Rating: ★★★

Blind singer-guitarist André Marie Tala is a veteran of modern Cameroonian music. Some of his earliest recordings were arranged by...

Reviewed in issue Jan/Feb/2010

Review of Swaziland: Songs of the Swazi

Swaziland: Songs of the Swazi


VDE–Gallo CD1283

Rating: ★★★★

Despite the 82–year reign of Sobhuza II – the “hip king’’ eulogised by South African jazzer Abdullah Ibrahim – Swaziland...

Reviewed in issue Jan/Feb/2010

Review of Nha Sentimento

Nha Sentimento

Cesaria Evora

Lusafrica 562502

Rating: ★★★

If this was the first ever Cesaria Evora album I’d give it four or five stars. Even after a stroke...

Reviewed in issue Jan/Feb/2010

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