Reviews | Songlines


Review of Jokoto


Kerfala Kanté Jr


Rating: ★★★

The ‘Jr’ is important here in order to avoid confusion with Kerfala's more famous older brother, who was also confusingly...

Reviewed in issue April/2023

Review of Ears of the People: Ekonting Songs from Senegal and Gambia

Ears of the People: Ekonting Songs from Senegal and Gambia


Smithsonian Folkways Recordings

Rating: ★★★★

It has long been recognised that the banjo's history can be traced back to West Africa, though until recently it...

Reviewed in issue April/2023

Review of Migrants


Mário Lúcio

Media Sounds

Rating: ★★★★

Lúcio is a seminal character in Cape Verdean culture, a singer, composer, poet, novelist, playwright, painter and politician who spent...

Reviewed in issue April/2023

Review of Bomoko


Grupo Lokito

Malecon Records

Rating: ★★★★

This is the second recording from the London-based Congolese/Latin outfit who have been delighting audiences with their lively performances. Grupo...

Reviewed in issue April/2023

Review of Voyageur


Ali Farka Touré & Toumani Diabaté | Ali Farka Touré

Top of the World

World Circuit

Rating: ★★★★★

A new album of nine unheard studio cuts from the Malian legend comes 17 years after his death, but slip...

Reviewed in issue April/2023

Review of Senegal



Funkiwala Records

Rating: ★★★★

This fresh debut from UK-based 11-piece band Yamäya has a deep groove throughout. Extended songs meander between luscious horn melodies...

Reviewed in issue April/2023

Review of Bantu Spaceship

Bantu Spaceship

Bantu Spaceship

Top of the World

Nyami Nyami Records

Rating: ★★★★★

Post-Mugabe Zimbabwe has witnessed something of a musical freeing up since the death of the revolutionary turned tyrant in 2019....

Reviewed in issue April/2023

Review of Interconnectedness


Carmen Souza

Galileo MC

Rating: ★★★★

When Carmen Souza first began playing and recording with her faithful partner, the bassist and producer Theo Pas’cal, their music...

Reviewed in issue April/2023

Review of Kelena Fôly

Kelena Fôly

Cheick Tidiane Seck


Rating: ★★★

Grand pianos are not heard much in West African music, but Cheick Tidiane Seck has been playing for more than...

Reviewed in issue March/2023

Review of Dindin


Kimi Djabaté


Rating: ★★★★

From the age of eight, Kimi Djabaté was forced to sing and play balafón at weddings and baptisms in Guinea-Bissau...

Reviewed in issue March/2023

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