Reviews | Songlines


Review of Melanie


L’Orchestre Afrisa International

Colomotion Records

Rating: ★★★★

These are new recordings of classic repertoire, mostly from the 70s and 80s, when Tabu Ley Rochereau led this wonderful...

Reviewed in issue June/2017

Review of Aman



Editions Jade

Rating: ★★★

It's not often that you hear music from the Comoros, and this reissue of singer and gambusi (oud-like lute) player...

Reviewed in issue June/2017

Review of Addis 1988

Addis 1988

Ethio Stars/Tukul Band feat Mulatu Astatke

Piranha Music Vinyl & Digital Only

Rating: ★★★★★

Originally released in 1992 and out of print for many years, this reissue has been remastered for vinyl and contains...

Reviewed in issue June/2017

Review of Mogoya


Oumou Sangaré

Top of the World

No Format!

Rating: ★★★★★

The last time this reviewer interviewed Oumou Sangaré was in January 2009. She was about to release the album Seya...

Reviewed in issue June/2017

Review of Miriya


Kanazoé Orkestra

Buda Musique

Rating: ★★★★

We are blessed to have recently seen many releases by West African musicians who wish to retain the values of...

Reviewed in issue May/2017

Review of Melokáane


Élage Diouf

Pump Up the World

Rating: ★★★

Born in Senegal but resident in Canada for the past 20 years, percussionist Elage Diouf has toured the world with...

Reviewed in issue May/2017

Review of Politiki


Mamadou Kelly

Clermont Music

Rating: ★★★

As a guitarist and singer-songwriter who worked alongside the great Ali Farka Touré and Afel Bocoum, Mamadou Kelly is practically...

Reviewed in issue May/2017

Review of Kidal



Top of the World

Gllitterbeat Records

Rating: ★★★★★

There seems to be a kind of musical arms race going on among the numerous Touareg rock’n’roll bands who have...

Reviewed in issue May/2017

Review of The Original Sound of Mali

The Original Sound of Mali


Mr Bongo Records

Rating: ★★★★

The dance band craze of the 1970s saw groups from all over West Africa putting their own spin on Latin...

Reviewed in issue May/2017

Review of Éthiopiques 30: Mistakes on Purpose

Éthiopiques 30: Mistakes on Purpose

Girma Bèyènè & Akalé Wubé

Buda Musique

Rating: ★★★★

For the better part of 20 years, Buda’s Éthiopiques releases have been the go-to series for Ethio-jazz and traditional music...

Reviewed in issue May/2017

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