Reviews | Songlines


Review of Sabaru


Sekou Kouyaté

One World Records

Rating: ★★★

Sekou is the son of Guinean kora player M’Bady Kouyaté, but takes tradition further, using amplification and effects pedals. He...

Reviewed in issue December/2015

Review of Herança



Top of the World


Rating: ★★★★★

While Mayra Andrade, Lura’s compatriot, has been steering away from traditional Cape Verdean sounds, husky-voiced Lura does the opposite on...

Reviewed in issue December/2015

Review of Singles As Bs & 12 Inches

Singles As Bs & 12 Inches



Rating: ★★★

Osibisa were brave pioneers – a band of Ghanian, Nigerian and Caribbean musicians who came together in London at the...

Reviewed in issue December/2015

Review of Songs of Paapieye

Songs of Paapieye

SK Kakraba

Awesome Tapes from Africa

Rating: ★★★★

SK Kakraba is a Ghanaian musician living in Los Angeles, and his instrument is the gyil. This pentatonic xylophone of...

Reviewed in issue December/2015

Review of Let Them Speak

Let Them Speak

The Umoza Music Project

Nub Country Records

Rating: ★★★

This is an album recorded by 18 musicians, separated by 18,000km. The Umoza Music Project is a joint Malawian and...

Reviewed in issue December/2015

Review of Change


N’Faly Kouyaté

Namun Records

Rating: ★★

This kora- and balafon-playing singer-songwriter from Guinea is best known for his dashing presence within the ranks of Afro Celt...

Reviewed in issue December/2015

Review of Rwanda is My Home

Rwanda is My Home

The Good Ones


Rating: ★★★

This is a very enjoyable yet remarkably melancholic release by a four-piece acoustic group from Rwanda. Part of the charm...

Reviewed in issue December/2015

Review of Balas y Chocolate

Balas y Chocolate

Lila Downs

Top of the World

Sony Music

Rating: ★★★★★

Passion in spite of poverty, magic in the face of misery – these are survival strategies in Latin America. Lila...

Reviewed in issue November/2015

Review of Fatteliku: Live in Athens

Fatteliku: Live in Athens

Youssou N’Dour & Le Super Étoile de Dakar

Real World

Rating: ★★★★

In 1987, when it looked as though global sounds, African music in particular, would take a major share of the...

Reviewed in issue November/2015

Review of Selina


Fatau Keita & The Naawuni Bie Band

Goethe Institut

Rating: ★★★

This is a highly enjoyable and very lively album that mixes several contemporary African musical styles. At the core is...

Reviewed in issue November/2015

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