Reviews | Songlines


Review of Ndikho Xaba & The Natives

Ndikho Xaba & The Natives

Ndikho Xaba & The Natives

Matsuli Music

Rating: ★★★

The South African pianist Ndikho Xaba was 30 years old when he sought exile in the US in 1964. He...

Reviewed in issue November/2015

Review of Mountains of the Moon

Mountains of the Moon

Ganda Boys

Big World Records

Rating: ★

Ganda Boys are two Ugandans and an American based in the UK. This is the group's third album and –...

Reviewed in issue November/2015

Review of Ligéey


Amadou Diagne

Long Tale

Rating: ★★★

Most listeners will probably have first encountered the Senegalese singer Amadou Diagne on a 2012 set in World Music Network's...

Reviewed in issue November/2015

Review of Djamila


Mamadou Kelly

Top of the World

Clermont Music

Rating: ★★★★

Here's a second album from Mamadou Kelly, a guitarist and singer from the Malian area of Goundam and Niafunke –...

Reviewed in issue November/2015

Review of Say What?

Say What?

Two Man Ting


Rating: ★★★

Two Man Ting is a Bristol-based duo who have been plugging away at the festival circuit. Jon Lewis and Jah-Man...

Reviewed in issue November/2015

Review of Good is Good

Good is Good

Vula Viel

Top of the World

Vula Viel

Rating: ★★★★

This is an album of powerful instrumental jazz, based on the ancient traditional music of the Dagaare tribe and Guo...

Reviewed in issue November/2015

Review of Go Slow to Lagos

Go Slow to Lagos

Gangbé Brass Band

Buda Musique

Rating: ★★★

As the album's title suggests, there's a marked Nigerian Afrobeat feel to this Benin crew's latest, as well as a...

Reviewed in issue October/2015

Review of The Indispensable 1955-1962

The Indispensable 1955-1962

Miriam Makeba

Frémeaux & Associés

Rating: ★★★★★

Once music goes out of its 50-year copyright, open season follows on the reissues market. Two issues ago I reviewed...

Reviewed in issue October/2015

Review of Best Of

Best Of

Ismaël Lô

Wrasse Records

Rating: ★★★★

There was a time, back in the 90s, when it seemed that Ismaël Lô was destined to become one of...

Reviewed in issue October/2015

Review of In Conclusion

In Conclusion

Amadou Balaké

Top of the World

Sterns Africa

Rating: ★★★★★

In the latter part of his life the singer Amadou Balaké, who passed away in August 2014, was a prominent...

Reviewed in issue October/2015

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