Review | Songlines

A Assembleia Extraordinária

Rating: ★★★

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Rod Krieger


Rod Krieger


Rock gaúcho, rock from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, always had a penchant for the music of the British invasion. Krieger used to be the bass player in Cachorro Grande, a band from Porto Alegre influenced by 60s beat groups like The Small Faces and the gaúcho rock of the region. Moreover, his first single was with Os Mutantes founder Arnaldo Baptista, another soul forever touched by The Beatles (Os Mutantes started out as a Beatles cover band). This ambitious solo project was recorded in the small village of Sobral do Parelhão in the Portuguese countryside. After a stroboscopic sitar intro, ‘Cai o Sol e Sobe a Lua’ shows off its swaggering psychedelic space-age pop in the vein of prime Pretty Things. ‘O Fluxo das Coisas’ uses a baggy 90s breakbeat to drive its acoustic sneer-along, and the sitar pops up again on a cover of Alceu Valença’s ‘Cabelos Longos’, a slice of 70s north-eastern psychedelic sertanejo.

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