Review | Songlines

Algo Nuevo

Rating: ★★★★

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Juan Pablo Torres


Mr Bongo


The Brighton-based Mr Bongo has just released two Juan Pablo Torres recordings from the late 70s as part of its Cuban Classics series. While also very much of their time, both this album (taking its name from Torres’ band) and Super Son [reviewed on p55] merit the appellation. For all Algo Nuevo’s trendy jazz-funk, disco and synthesised embellishments, ace trombonist Juan Pablo Torres’ brassy, percussive outfit manages to retain its own sonic identity. Stand-out numbers like the (then) futuristic ‘Guajira 2001’ and the fun-and-funky ‘Cacao’ make Algo Nuevo’s ten very varied tracks originally released for the state-owned Areito label something to value – and dance to.

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