Review | Songlines


Top of the World

Rating: ★★★★★

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Mari Boine


By Norse Music


“I’ve found my home,” says Sámi singer Boine, “me and my voice we’re together now.” She’s spent decades as one of Norway’s most respected musicians, one of the greatest global ambassadors for Sámi culture and heritage, and now she’s at her most intimate, most personal, totally at ease with herself and her music. Her songs go back to childhood, to the repression of her Sámi ancestors, to her own relationships, songs which have brought tears in the search for healing (‘Oainnestan (Glimpses)’, a heartfelt song about her son), as well as celebrations of nature, alongside pleas for valuing this earth, and prayers, too, impassioned and urgent (‘Várjalivččet Min Vuolláneames (Keep Us from Giving Up)’). The musicians have known her for decades, totally attuned to her music, providing exquisite textures, magically produced by bassist Svein Schultz. New albums from Boine are landmark occasions and Alva is poignant and an absolute joy to hear.

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