Review | Songlines

Any Anxious Colour

Rating: ★★★

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Mark Cherrie Quartet


Windmill Jazz


Any Anxious Colour is the second album by steelpan player Mark Cherrie. Having released his debut, Joining the Dots, back in 2018, he returns here with an album packed full of lively jazz-infused original compositions. The album features a top-notch rhythm section comprised of John Donaldson (piano), Tom Mason (bass) and Eric Ford (drums). They craft a compelling range of moods and tempos, effortlessly shifting from emotive jazz ballads to playful, Latin-tinged grooves and spirited up-tempo bebop. Singer Chantelle Duncan provides some tasteful vocals on two of the tracks, and on three tracks, Dave O’Higgins proves yet again that he is one of the finest tenor saxophonists on the UK jazz scene. Throughout, Cherrie’s playing remains fluid and inventive. The bright and percussive timbre of his steelpan provides an intriguing Caribbean twist to what is an otherwise solid, if slightly unremarkable, straight-ahead jazz album. Very listenable indeed.

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