Review | Songlines


Rating: ★★★

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Mohammed Assaf


Platinum Records


Sometimes an artist's story overshadows almost entirely their actual music. Such is the case here, where Mohammed Assaf has become a Palestinian legend. He overcame incredible odds getting from the Gaza Strip, where he was a wedding singer in a refugee camp, to Egypt to audition and eventually win the TV show Arab Idol (a story that has been made into a film). He has become a big pop star and a source of great pride to the Palestinians; he looks fabulous, dresses sharp and has been a rare piece of positive news coming out of Palestine. There are songs of freedom and romantic songs all delivered with great energy. It seems churlish to point out that, while he has a serviceable voice, it really isn’t particularly outstanding, especially on the more traditional numbers. Several songs are recorded live and it's clear he has a hugely enthusiastic following.

On some of the more straight pop songs, such as ‘Ala Hesbi Wdad’ there is palpable excitement and it's as if the swirling strings are mirroring the sound of grown men, as well as teenage girls, swooning. Some of the more contemporary pieces, like ‘Beihsidony’, with its doomy atmospherics and jagged synths, suggest possible interesting new directions. Some of the programming is weak. For all that, he would be great to see live.

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