Review | Songlines

Canciones en Blanco y Negro

Rating: ★★★★

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Juana Luna


Folkalist Records


For those who have chosen to train their soul in such a way, folklore in Argentina is ever-present. Whether in cities or the typical Pampas, there is a spiritual template in which we all – whether we know it or not – take part. On her latest album, Argentine singer Juana Luna, based in New York since 2013, channels and expands that heritage. With a clear, masterful voice, Luna delivers zambas disguised as tangos, classics from the traditional Latin songbook and adds delicate use of electric guitars and chord progressions to open up the genre. Preconceptions about ‘folklore’ are ruptured. It makes you feel like sharing the Pampas’ morning sun forever. Perhaps, just like Luna sings on closing track ‘Emilia’, ‘the only map is the horizon.’

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