Review | Songlines

Dogo Du Togo

Rating: ★★★★

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Dogo Du Togo


Massama Dogo


This self-titled debut is the solo project of Serge Massama Dogo, Togolese founder of the Afropop band Elikeh. Born in Lomé, Dogo has spent the last two decades living in the United States, his musical exploits with Elikeh fusing Togolese beats with American blues and funk. On this record however, outside influences are sidelined as Dogo turns his attention to the plethora of traditions originating from Togo. Featuring guitar, percussion and vocals, the album is acoustic from start to finish and showcases gazo, bobobo and simpa rhythms alongside vodoun melodies. Nothing is overplayed and Dogo draws out only the most essential elements of each style. Despite the diversity of musical genres exhibited, there is a consistent theme to the album; Dogo describes Togo as more tranquil than many of its livelier neighbouring nations, and this calm ambience comes through in each song. Highlights include the opening ‘Zonva’ and ‘Nyé Dzi’ with its uplifting harmonies and heartwarming melody.

Dogo's first solo endeavour is a huge success. While it may not break new ground stylistically, it is an authentic, well-constructed record; a veritable smorgasbord of the different rhythms and traditions that Togo has to offer.

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