Review | Songlines


Rating: ★★★

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Faran Ensemble




Faran is an Israeli instrumental group playing their own compositions on traditional Middle Eastern instruments, including oud (lute), kamancheh (spike fiddle) santur (hammer dulcimer), ney (flute) and hand percussion. This is their first, self-funded release and it shows them to be extremely confident players with an easy sense of ensemble. The instrumental tracks are probably best described as pan-Oriental in style, though they also draw on other influences – minimalism, Mediterranean medieval and New Age music – that bring different shades and evocative colours to the sound. Initially, the pieces can seem meandering and improvised but closer listening reveals them to be finely arranged. It could be said that the album as a whole lacks emotional range but this isn't necessarily a bad thing - it makes a very pleasant soundtrack for private musings or leafing through back issues of Songlines. There is much to recommend Faran's debut recording, perfectly captured by the splendidly named Ofir J Rock's clear and subtle sound engineering.

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