Review | Songlines

Gran’s House

Rating: ★★★★

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Indian Man


Real World X


Bristol-based DJ and producer Jay Singh, AKA Indian Man, joins a wave of artists of South Asian descent putting their own spin on traditional music by mixing Punjabi sounds with electronica. But Indian Man goes a step further with his new record, Gran’s House, fusing not just the melodies he heard growing up in his grandmother’s house but many more from across the globe. Despite being his first official mixtape, Gran’s House has an impressive and eclectic lineup of collaborators who met during Indian Man’s time on the world music festival circuit. From ‘She Wolf’, an uplifting house track featuring Cuban artist La Dame Blanche, to South-Sudanese vocalist Emmanuel Jal on the closing song ‘Sudan Module’. But despite his travels far and wide, discovering music from every continent, it’s the title-track on Gran’s House that stands out, thanks to Indian Man’s playful experiment with the song’s texture. Layering samples of Punjabi melodies with industrial beats and gentle chimes, the track is a beautiful tribute to his family and a glimpse into the music that has inspired him from childhood and beyond.

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