Review | Songlines

Instrumentals Vol 2: Mandolin Mysteries

Rating: ★★★★

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Jacob Jolliff


Adhyâropa Records


Newberg, Oregon, native Jacob Jolliff’s new album, Instrumentals Vol 2: Mandolin Mysteries, is a cleverly conceived collection of acoustic string tunes. The reference to mysteries stems from a theme running through the album, which is, Jolliff says, “that this could be music to accompany a mystery or dimestore book.” The 11-track album’s opener, ‘Vera’, pays homage to a popular British TV series based on a detective character created by mystery crime author Ann Cleaves. The song begins with Jolliff plucking his mandolin in tip-toe rhythm to introduce a rollicking bluegrass romp, which gives each band member – Jolliff, Myles Sloniker (bass), Ross Martin (guitar), George Jackson (fiddle) – a chance to shine. The album’s centrepiece, ‘The Art Heist Suite’, is a three-movement musical drama embellished with the dark moody overtones of a spy thriller. Two upbeat Scots-Irish flavoured songs, ‘Copper Beeches’ and ‘Silver Blaze’ recall Sherlock Holmes adventures.

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