Review | Songlines


Rating: ★★★★

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Brian Molley Quartet with special guest Krishna Kishor


BGMM Records


Jazz musicians from Scotland can claim to be the UK’s most exciting exponents on the scene. Saxophonist Brian Molley is part of a movement that includes trumpeter Colin Steele’s striking compositions and Fergus McCreadie’s inventive iterations on the piano trio. The scene’s through-line is the inspiration of Scotland’s folk tradition, which on this well-crafted record is placed in dialogue with Indian folk influences. The cross-cultural conversation is most explicit on the duet ‘Lotus and Thistle’, named for the nations’ national flowers. Molley’s rippling saxophone melody recalls a traditional piper’s jig. It is underscored by playful percussive work from Krishna Kishor, a multi-instrumentalist who hails from Tamil Nadu in the subcontinent’s south. ‘Ayemenem’ is another standout track, propelled by Kishor’s konnakol (rhythmic scat singing) and the driving piano of Tom Gibbs, who also supplies a serpentine solo – tightly coiled with plenty of bite!

Intercontinental is forged from a modern jazz mould and is understated in integrating its Indian influences. This makes for a compelling alternative to more heavy handed Indo-European fusion and deserves commendation and encouragement.

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