Review | Songlines


Rating: ★★★★★

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Black Flower


Sdban Ultra


Kinetic is the sixth album from Belgian five-piece Black Flower, and their sound is rightly evolving with their experience. The Ethio-jazz that characterised previous releases is more subtle here, and it is joined by intriguing influences from Bulgarian and Arabic music – the former especially lends itself to the band’s intricate style. All these sounds are united by a free-flowing, ecstatic jazz that works equally well in tightly arranged interlocking melodies or exciting solos, absorbing the depth of dub and the groove of funk. The production on this album is particularly impressive. The sound field is luscious in a way that rewards headphone listening: melody lines and interesting little flourishes and effects crop up all around, but it manages to still sound surprisingly light and uncrowded. Each line, rhythm and sound feels very intentional in its placing in time and space. Together with Black Flower’s musical feats, this production makes Kinetic a joy to listen to.

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