Review | Songlines

Mirrored Daughters

Rating: ★★★

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Mirrored Daughters


Fika Recordings


The record label describes Mirrored Daughters as “lo-fi folk-pop and explorative woodland meditations”, which sums it up quite neatly. Melodic songs like ‘City Song’ and ‘Waiting at the Water’ are interspersed with instrumental soundscapes like ‘Mirror Descend’ and ‘Something Hollow,’ replete with drones, bells and field recordings. The ‘lo-fi’ aspect is accounted for by the way the project came about: tracks were built upon acoustic guitar demos, with each musician recording their parts remotely. Inspired by excursions to Epping Forest, Mirrored Daughters is peopled by members of other bands, all based around London and South East England. The quintessentially English-sounding result has shades of The Staves, The Incredible String Band and Pentangle. I would have preferred to hear fewer ‘meditations’ and more songs, but Mirrored Daughters’ debut has real charm and freshness.

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