Review | Songlines

Moda Antiga

Rating: ★★★

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On this, her third album, the Cape Verdean singer hailed as a worthy successor to the great Cesária Évora focuses on the preservation of her country’s cultural heritage with a collection of popular and traditional songs. She declares, “We don’t have conservatories or music schools to ensure this protection and transmission to new generations… I feel it’s my duty to do so.” The title, Moda Antiga, is therefore an apt one; meaning ‘the old way’ in Portuguese. For those not familiar with the music of Cape Verde, the old ways represented here are a blend of European and African styles that reflect its history and produce a distinctly Latin sound. These Lusophone mornas and coladeiras are carried effortlessly by Lucibela’s strong yet graceful voice; from the silky smooth ‘Salabanku’ to the upbeat ‘Mãe Gracinda’, and are accompanied by a stellar cast of musicians including Evora’s own (now sadly late) saxophonist Totinho.

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