Review | Songlines

Modern Old-Time Sounds for the Bluegrass and Folksong Jamboree

Rating: ★★★★

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The Lonesome Ace Stringband


The Lonesome Ace Stringband


Jamboree is a wonderful, whimsical American word, which generally refers to a lavish, rambunctious celebration or part invariably involving music, dancing and excessive revelry. The Lonesome Ace Stringband's fourth album serves as a self-contained jamboree inclusive of the Canadian trio's wide-ranging repertoire and formidable vocal and instrumental acumen.

A dozen covers by an eclectic group of songwriters from the Stanley Brothers (‘Stone Walls and Steel Bars’) and the Carter Family (‘I Never Will Marry’) to Mart Robbins (‘Big Iron’) and the late Lhasa de Sela (‘Fools Gold’) constitute an engaging compendium of time-honoured bluegrass, folk and country classics along with a nod to the contemporary roots scene. Chris Coole (clawhammer banjo, vocals), John Showman (fiddle, vocals) and Max Heineman (double bass, vocals) bring an extraordinary combination of smoothness and tightness to their playing, honed by years of performing as the house band at the Dakota Tavern in Toronto. This is 21st-century acoustic music at its stripped-down, sharply rendered best.

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