Review | Songlines

Outside Time

Rating: ★★★★

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Many a Thousand Records


The thrilling Tarren return with their second album (after 2022's Revel) with an equally stimulating take on traditional English folk song, recorded in Bristol last year. With Sid Goldsmith on cittern and concertina, Alex Garden on fiddle and Danny Pedler on accordion, the trio coolly display their talent at delivering folk song with deep love and reverence. Simultaneously, they consider contemporary issues. ‘As a band with a non-binary member… gender variance in English traditional song’ is of particular concern. This interest is skilfully explored in ‘Neither Maid Nor Man’ which takes its inspiration from cross-dressing, or non-conforming trad gender roles, featured in songs such as ‘The Handsome Cabin Boy’ and ‘The Pretty Drummer Boy’. At their heart though, Tarren are simply an excellent folk trio – Goldsmith's vocals combined with Garden and Pedler's musicianship is purely exquisite, while ‘Spencer the Rover’ and ‘Jolly Bold Robber’ are simply effortlessly accomplished interpretations of folk classics. So, so good.

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