Review | Songlines


Rating: ★★★★

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Coşkun Karademir Quartet


Kalan Müzik


Coşkun Karademir's two previous albums in collaboration with international artists were both received with some critical acclaim. This is the first release in which he leads a quartet on the bağlama and kopuz (Turkish plucked lutes). The rest of the quartet is comprised of established duduk, cello and percussion (mostly frame drums) players. There are guest artists on vocals, ney and the beautiful yaylı tambur (a bowed lute). Together, the personnel create a very consistent and evocative sound. The sound production is of very high quality but does not detract from the subtle savour of the local musical fabric. Inspired mostly by nature and religious verse, the music includes traditional Turkish pieces, Iranian vocals, Alevi and Rumi poetry and a medieval cantiga by King Alfonso X. Combined with the haunting texture of instruments and vocals, these make for an eclectic but seamless choice of melodies that are guaranteed to inspire the mood of human reconciliation that seems to form an important part of the artist's ethos.

Those who expect some of the extravagant improvisation familiar with other Turkish artists may be in for a disappointment but, all in all, this is an outstanding collection.

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