Review | Songlines

Qwanqwa Live

Rating: ★★★★

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For three studio albums, Addis Ababa-based Qwanqwa have explored the range of Ethiopian traditional music, performing pieces from many of the country’s different ethnic groups, shaking things up with elements of Ethiojazz, funk and psychedelia, all played on the traditional krar (lyre), masenko (one-string fiddle) and kebero (drums), and the less-traditional bass krar and five-string violin. Until now, the group’s albums have been mostly instrumental. Qwanqwa Live brings in azmari singer Selamnesh Zemene (lately heard with Badume’s Band) as their full-time vocalist. And it’s a revolution. Selamnesh brings things to the next level, providing a focal point to the instrumentals but fully capable of soaring off into breathtaking melismas at a moment’s notice. Special mention should also be made of globetrotting masenko player Endris Hassen, whose solos conjure up rock and jazz with impeccable subtlety. This release is pieced together from their 2022 US tour – keep an eye out for future dates.

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