Review | Songlines

Radio Chévere

Rating: ★★★★

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Rio 18


Légère Recordings


Anglo-Latin fusion has enjoyed considerable success over the years, with standout albums including David Byrne’s Rei Momo, Paul Simon’s The Rhythm of the Saints and Ry Cooder’s Chávez Ravine. Now add Welsh to the mix of Portuguese, Spanish and English with the latest album from Rio 18, founded by prolific singer-songwriter Carwyn Ellis. Following Yn Rio (2021), Ellis now focuses on production and writing. With Radio Chévere, he brings together Welsh singer Elan Rhys with Latin American artists including Luzmira Zerpa from Venezuela and Silvia Machete from Brazil. The international ensemble work well, creating an upbeat musical tour, from samba and funk to joropo llanero and cumbia. Offering a radio-style Latino primer, the songs range from the light and poppy ‘Sempre Amor’, to the punchy ‘Padre Tiempo (feat Luzmira Zerpa)’ and the funky ‘Maybe Man (feat Silvia Machete)’; the whole package is a ray of sunshine. And their next album is already happily in the pipeline.

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