Review | Songlines


Rating: ★★★★

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Maddie Morris


No Masters


Engaging folk with contemporary issues Maddie Morris’ debut full-length album, Skin, is an insightful listen. A deeply socially conscious songwriter, Morris strives for inclusion and the amplification of marginalised voices, particularly those of the LGBTQIA+ community, and Skin expertly blends such voices in an album which proves perceptively inspiring. Skin opens with a tribute to the American gay rights activist ‘Marsha P Johnson’; a heartfelt, personal narrative from Morris. They reflect on their own teenage years as a disabled and neurodivergent queer person, grappling with hiding aspects of themselves they feared made them different. ‘We are taught to take it on the chin, like a manifesto of our skin,’ sings Morris in this opener, setting the tone for a politically and emotionally charged album. Boundaries and traditions are lovingly stretched and questioned throughout the Leeds-based Morris’ record. ‘Wee Weaver’, for example, switches the song’s romance between Willie and Mary to Lilly and Mary. Its delivered with a respectful nod to tradition, showcasing the flexibility and fluidity of tradition. More contemporary narratives are present, too, in the powerfully personal ‘The IT Teacher’, narrating Morris’ experiences of prejudice in their school years. Throughout the album, private narratives intertwine with the broader political landscape, echoing the sentiment ‘the personal is political.’ Skin’s core though remains hopeful and positive – Morris’ debut showcases a thrilling, glorious, and inspiring voice.

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