Review | Songlines

The Art of the Tanbur

Rating: ★★★

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Talip Özkan


Ocora Radio France


Özkan, resident in Paris since 1976, has honed an unusual lute style, at a remove from Istanbul's conservatoires and musical opinion makers. He is a master of two distinct instrumental traditions: that associated with the saz (the folk long-necked lute); and that associated with the tanbur (the urban, classical long-necked lute). And he has found a way of blending the two. His saz playing has been heard on several recordings so this album, devoted to the tanbur, is particularly welcome. There is chiaroscuro plectrum work, the intense detail of the melodic line, the soulful meandering of the improvisations, and the sudden and unexpected intrusions of his murmuring voice – as though accompanying the tanbur and not the other way round.

The ‘Nihavent Suite’, with its intricate modal improvisation, its rendition of Sultan Selim's famous song, ‘Bir Pür Cefa’ and its concluding zeybek (a stately folk dance), is touching. Another great addition to Ocora's superb Asian art music list.

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