Reviews | Songlines


Review of Dirt is Good

Dirt is Good

Malawi Mouse Boys

Top of the World

IRL Records

Rating: ★★★★

Perhaps we can forego debating the tastiness of the mouse-on-a-stick, a Malawi delicacy hawked by this eight-piece combo when they...

Reviewed in issue Apr/May/2014

Review of Makasi


Fredy Massamba


Rating: ★★★

Les Tambours de Brazza are an experienced and versatile music and dance ensemble from Congo Brazzaville. Their lead vocalist is...

Reviewed in issue Apr/May/2014

Review of Kanou


Mamani Keita

Top of the World

World Village

Rating: ★★★★★

A former backing singer with Salif Keita, Mamani Keita is best known for her 2001 recording debut Electro Bamako, which...

Reviewed in issue Apr/May/2014

Review of Zimbabwe Awake Vol 1

Zimbabwe Awake Vol 1


Sheer Publishing

Rating: ★★★

Whatever view one takes of Robert Mugabe's political leadership, there is no question that the world's media provides a very...

Reviewed in issue Apr/May/2014

Review of The Rough Guide to the Best African Music You've Never Heard

The Rough Guide to the Best African Music You've Never Heard


World Music Network

Rating: ★★★

In The Rough Guide to the Best Music You've Never Heard, a book published in 2009, this author explored some...

Reviewed in issue Apr/May/2014

Review of Origines


Ahamada Smis

Colombe Records

Rating: ★★★★

For his second full-length album, Marseille-based urban poet Ahamada Smis has pointed his musical compass towards the country of his...

Reviewed in issue Apr/May/2014

Review of Huambo Música Sessions

Huambo Música Sessions



Rating: ★★★★

From spicy semba to the hip club beats of kuduro, it is the urban music styles of Angola that are...

Reviewed in issue Apr/May/2014

Review of Zanzibara 8: Chungu

Zanzibara 8: Chungu

Rajab Suleiman & Kithara

Top of the World

Buda Musique

Rating: ★★★★

The taarab music of Zanzibar is one of the glories of Africa and has a history stretching back over a...

Reviewed in issue Apr/May/2014

Review of Eve


Angélique Kidjo

Top of the World

429 Records

Rating: ★★★★★

Dedicated to ‘the women of Africa, to their resilience and their beauty, Kidjo’s tenth studio album features the voices of...

Reviewed in issue March/2014

Review of Eva


Dino d’Santiago


Rating: ★★★

An Algarve-born singer of Cape Verdean extraction and a founding member of the MTV award-winning group Nu Soul Family, Dino...

Reviewed in issue March/2014

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