Reviews | Songlines


Review of L’immortel – The 60's Rumba Revolution in Congo

L’immortel – The 60's Rumba Revolution in Congo

Franklin Boukaka

Frémeaux et Associés

Rating: ★★★★

Despite being one of the most instrumental musicians in the rumba revolution that took place across the two Congos during...

Reviewed in issue October/2023

Review of Siyalapha


Laliboi & Spoek Mathambo

Top of the World

Teka Music

Rating: ★★★★

While this is only Laliboi's second record under his own name, the South African multi-instrumentalist and rapper is by no...

Reviewed in issue August/September/2023

Review of Taa! – Our Language May Be Dying, But Our Voices Remain (Botswana)

Taa! – Our Language May Be Dying, But Our Voices Remain (Botswana)

VARIOUS ARTISTS | Various Artists

Glitterbeat Records

Rating: ★★★

A project from Hidden Musics, an international music series of field-recorded albums produced by award-winning music producer Ian Brennan and...

Reviewed in issue August/September/2023

Review of À Moi la Liberté – Early Electronic Raï – 1983-90

À Moi la Liberté – Early Electronic Raï – 1983-90

VARIOUS ARTISTS | Various Artists

Born Bad Records

Rating: ★★★★★

Long summer nights on the coastal strip; hotshots revving their engines; girls checking their makeup in rearview mirrors; the throb...

Reviewed in issue August/September/2023

Review of KahraMusiqa


Badiâa Bouhrizi

Top of the World


Rating: ★★★★

Singer-songwriter Badiâa Bouhrizi should really be a household name in global music circles. In Tunisia, her birthplace, she is beloved...

Reviewed in issue August/September/2023

Review of Nakibembe Embaire Group

Nakibembe Embaire Group

Nakibembe Embaire Group

Nyege Nyege Tapes

Rating: ★★★★

Nakibembe is a small village in Uganda's Busoga Kingdom, where the residents preserve the local tradition of playing and dancing...

Reviewed in issue August/September/2023

Review of JID018


Tony Allen

Jazz is Dead

Rating: ★★★

Recorded in 2018 in Los Angeles some 18 months before his death, this is Allen with his jazz head on,...

Reviewed in issue August/September/2023

Review of Babi


Al Bilali Soudan


Rating: ★★★★

Touareg music hasn't always been about electric guitars and the Tamashek quartet Al Bilali Soudan (an ancient name for the...

Reviewed in issue August/September/2023

Review of Jolof


Hervé Samb

Euleuk Vision

Rating: ★★★★

An album of complexity, sensitivity and smarts, Jolof takes its name from the kingdom that spanned West Africa – the...

Reviewed in issue August/September/2023

Review of Zango



Top of the World

Desert Daze Sound

Rating: ★★★★★

‘Zamrock has resurrected from its decades of slumber,’ sings frontman Emmanuel ‘Jagari’ Chanda on ‘Message from WITCH’. Jagari, inspired by...

Reviewed in issue August/September/2023

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