Reviews | Songlines


Review of Ne Ka Mali!!

Ne Ka Mali!!


The Orchard

Rating: ★★★

Amkoullel's Mali is a little different to the West African country of koras and calabashes, Toumanis and Djelimadys, percussion ensembles,...

Reviewed in issue October/2011

Review of Northern Light, Gambian Night

Northern Light, Gambian Night

Dawda Jobarteh

Top of the World

Sterns Music

Rating: ★★★★★

The Gambian kora player Amadou Bansang Jobarteh awoke many Western listeners to African music two decades ago, and now Dawda,...

Reviewed in issue October/2011

Review of Hongo Calling

Hongo Calling

Blick Bassy

World Connection

Rating: ★★

Billed as the new soul voice of Cameroon, Blick Bassy is a singer-songwriter, guitarist and percussionist whose Bassa-language solo debut...

Reviewed in issue October/2011

Review of Luso Noir – Music from Portuguese Speaking Africa

Luso Noir – Music from Portuguese Speaking Africa



Rating: ★★★★

Whether it's the folk of Madredeus, the samba of Chico Buarque or the manifold rhythms and cadences of Lusitanian Africa,...

Reviewed in issue October/2011

Review of Afro-Latin: Via Dakar

Afro-Latin: Via Dakar



Rating: ★★★

As readers of Songlines probably know, Latin music was re-Africanised after World War II when wind-up phonographs made it to...

Reviewed in issue October/2011

Review of Fatou


Fatoumata Diawara

Top of the World

World Circuit

Rating: ★★★★

Just when you thought Mali couldn't possibly produce any more extraordinary new musical stars, here's another. Born in the Ivory...

Reviewed in issue October/2011

Review of Blues Menessen

Blues Menessen

Roland Tchakounté

World Connection

Rating: ★★★

Born and raised in Cameroon half a century ago, but resident in France for the last couple of decades, Tchakounté's...

Reviewed in issue October/2011

Review of Sila Kang

Sila Kang

Sura Susso

Kuli Marrow Music

Rating: ★★★

On a first listen to this debut album from Nottingham-based Gambian musician Sura Susso, the word that kept coming to...

Reviewed in issue October/2011

Review of Toumastin



Top of the World

Glitterhouse Records

Rating: ★★★★★

These are hard times for the Tamashek people, as Andy Morgan, former manager of the mighty Tinariwen, makes distressingly clear...

Reviewed in issue Aug/Sep/2011

Review of Volume One 1970-1979

Volume One 1970-1979

Sorry Bamba

Thrill Jockey

Rating: ★★★★

‘Sorry’? The unusual first name is probably an Anglicisation of ‘Sorhy,’ which is itself a twisted version of the common...

Reviewed in issue Aug/Sep/2011

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