Reviews | Songlines


Review of Debademba


Abdoulaye Traoré & Mohamed Diaby


Rating: ★★★

The collaborative spirit is alive and well on Debademba, an album ostensibly created by two 20-something Paris-based West Africans: guitarist...

Reviewed in issue July/2011

Review of Beginners Guide To African Blues

Beginners Guide To African Blues



Rating: ★★★

This isn't the place to debate the African origins of the blues. All we really need note is that modern...

Reviewed in issue July/2011

Review of Stambeli: The Legacy of the Black Tunisians

Stambeli: The Legacy of the Black Tunisians

Salah el-Ouergli

Par Les Chemins Productions

Rating: ★★★★

The heavy clacking of the qaraqab (iron castanets) and the hypnotising melodies of the gimbri (three-stringed lute) make it easy...

Reviewed in issue July/2011

Review of In the Mood for the Nouba

In the Mood for the Nouba

Beihdja Rahal

Institut du Monde Arabe

Rating: ★★★

For serious students of North African music and aficionados of the rarified and demanding canon of Arab– Andalus poetic tradition,...

Reviewed in issue July/2011

Review of Alabaraka Mussolu

Alabaraka Mussolu

Jali Fily Cissokho

Kaira Arts

Rating: ★★★

Jali Fily is a griot (praise-singer) from the Casamance region of southern Senegal: one in a long line of prominent...

Reviewed in issue July/2011

Review of Black Voices Revisited

Black Voices Revisited

Tony Allen


Rating: ★★★★

Released in 1999, two years after the death of Fela Kuti, whose band was fired for so long by Allen's...

Reviewed in issue July/2011

Review of Ghana Fenou

Ghana Fenou

Kamel El Harrachi

Turn Again Music

Rating: ★★★★

Offspring of ultra-famous artists tread a difficult path forging their own musical style: witness sundry mini Marleys and Kutis. This...

Reviewed in issue June/2011

Review of From Africa With Fury: Rise

From Africa With Fury: Rise

Seun Kuti & Egypt 80

Top of the World


Rating: ★★★★

Last year, Femi Kuti made the finest album of his career with Africa For Africa [reviewed in #73], a back-to-basics...

Reviewed in issue June/2011

Review of Batuque and Finaçon

Batuque and Finaçon

Nha Mita Pereira


Rating: ★★

This collection showcases two of Cape Verde's most traditional and resolutely African musical styles – batuque and finaçon – which...

Reviewed in issue June/2011

Review of Aratan n Azawad

Aratan n Azawad


Top of the World

World Village

Rating: ★★★★

No surprise that Terakaft – the name means ‘caravan’ in Tamasheq – stayed pretty close to the sound of the...

Reviewed in issue June/2011

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