Subtitled ‘On Stage and On Air 1982-90’, this is an extensive and intriguing history of what was a decidedly tricky...
Reviewed by Robin Denselow in issue: January/2025
Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp
Ventre Unique, the sixth album by Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp, merges folk, krautrock, post-punk and African rhythms to create...
Reviewed by Lucy Hallam in issue: January/2025
Singer, songwriter and producer Tomeletso Sereetsi is something of a hero in his homeland as an exponent of the unique...
Reviewed by Nigel Williamson in issue: January/2025
According to contributing singer Bessie Leavell Palmer, ‘gospel music is written out of the depths of somebody’s soul.’ Well, this...
Reviewed by Mark Sampson in issue: January/2025
The tricky part about coming up with and cementing an aesthetic of your own is avoiding being cornered or imprisoned...
Reviewed by GonÇalo Frota in issue: January/2025
There’s so much going on with Finnish trio Wishamalii’s debut album that it almost invents a whole new genre of...
Reviewed by Daniel Spicer in issue: January/2025
Mulatu Astatke & Hoodna Orchestra
As the father of Ethio-jazz, the Ethiopian multi-instrumentalist and composer Mulatu Astatke has carved out a unique musical path. On...
Reviewed by Paul Bowler in issue: January/2025
This is the fifth album in the lengthy career of a group led by Algerian singer-songwriter, Nedjim Bouizzoul. Having migrated...
Reviewed by Mark Sampson in issue: January/2025
It’s routinely hailed as the first great blues album but, as was the case with most bluesmen of his generation,...
Reviewed by Kevin Bourke in issue: January/2025
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