Reviews | Songlines


Review of Soukabbè Mali

Soukabbè Mali

Sékou Bah

Clermont Records

Rating: ★★★

Hailing from Bandiagara on Mali's Dogon plateau, Sékou Bah's impressive track record includes several years playing in Salif Keita's band,...

Reviewed in issue December/2018

Review of Afrika Festival: Live in Hertme 2

Afrika Festival: Live in Hertme 2

Orchestre Les Mangelepa & Dieuf-Dieul de Thies

Very Open Jazz Records

Rating: ★★★★

The second CD to be released of live recordings from the excellent annual Afrika Festival in Hertme in the Netherlands...

Reviewed in issue December/2018

Review of Afro Groove Queen

Afro Groove Queen

Manou Gallo

Djiboi/Contre-Jour Records

Rating: ★★★★

Manou Gallo is a bass player and singer from the Ivory Coast with an impressive history. She has worked with...

Reviewed in issue November/2018

Review of Songs of Lake Volta

Songs of Lake Volta

Joseph Sheehan


Rating: ★★

Ten years ago, Sheehan, an American composer and assistant professor of music at Duquesne University, spent six months in Ghana...

Reviewed in issue November/2018

Review of Orion Congregation

Orion Congregation

Ahmed Ag Kaedy

Schneeball Records

Rating: ★★

Ahmed Ag Kaedy is perhaps best known as one of the four musicians featured in Mali Blues, a documentary examining...

Reviewed in issue November/2018

Review of Matjale


Thabang Tabane

Mushroom Hour Half Hour

Rating: ★★★

The percussionist Thabang Tabane grew up playing in Molombo, a band from Mamelodi township on the outskirts of Pretoria, led...

Reviewed in issue November/2018

Review of Amandla


Shelter Matshelela

Afrikantunz Records & Promotions

Rating: ★★

Zimbabwean singer Shelter Matshelela presents us here with an archetypal bubblegum (township pop) album brim-full of happy, head-nodding tunes. Matshelela...

Reviewed in issue November/2018

Review of Simigwa


Gyedu-Blay Ambolley

Mr Bongo

Rating: ★★★★

On the opening track of this album, which was originally released in 1975, the Ghanaian bandleader Gyedu-Blay Ambolley recites a...

Reviewed in issue November/2018

Review of Dur-Dur of Somalia: Volume 1 & Volume 2

Dur-Dur of Somalia: Volume 1 & Volume 2

Dur-Dur Band

Top of the World

Analog Africa

Rating: ★★★★★

They were the biggest band in 1980s Somalia, huge across the whole Horn of Africa, and they're not completely unknown...

Reviewed in issue November/2018

Review of Ann O'aro

Ann O'aro

Ann O'aro


Rating: ★★★

A new discovery from the label that boasts some of La Réunion's greatest musicians on its roster (see Danyèl Waro...

Reviewed in issue November/2018

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