This is the second outing with the Cornwall-based, Birmingham-raised alt-folk duo Angeline Morrison and Nick Duffy. Following their debut, which...
Reviewed in issue December/2024
This soulful album has the seamless feel of a longtime collaboration, rather than the debut production that it is. Portuguese...
Reviewed in issue December/2024
Lankum aren’t the only purveyors of doom-laden folk. London-based nine-piece Shovel Dance Collective show with this, their second album, that...
Reviewed in issue December/2024
Bridget & Kitty/Resonant Bodies
Betwixt & Between Tapes is a quirky, niche proposition: an occasional series of cassette tape EPs featuring traditional, improvised and...
Reviewed in issue December/2024
Inspired by her love of aromatic plants, the traditions of folk and classical music, and her own chromesthesia (‘ability to...
Reviewed in issue December/2024
For German Kai Uwe Faust, Dane Christopher Juul and Norwegian Maria Franz, who record together as Heilung, a live album...
Reviewed in issue December/2024
Parlour ballads, as a genre, get poor press as low-grade, middle-class Victoriana, but here’s Jon Boden at the piano (and...
Reviewed in issue December/2024
WoWaKin are a Polish trio playing violin, three-row accordion and drums with all the verve and vivacity of a village...
Reviewed in issue December/2024
Swedish folk duo Pettersson & Fredriksson originally released this set in 2010 and present it here for the first time...
Reviewed in issue December/2024
The folk duo’s fourth album, In the Dark We Grow, steers away from the compelling introspective spareness of 2022’s Ink...
Reviewed in issue December/2024
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