Listening to this groundbreaking album on the day the news reveals that Haiti’s president has been assassinated by a group...
Reviewed by Garth Cartwright in issue: October/2021
Bergen-based but worldly in concept, Meelodi is the brain-child of Norwegian Ole Andre Farstad and Iranian Medi Farmani. On this,...
Reviewed by Tom Newell in issue: October/2021
Django lives! Or his legacy does anyway. Raised in a Belgian manouche community, where he learned the guitar as a...
Reviewed by Mark Sampson in issue: October/2021
There are too many random, unfocused, greatest hits cover albums of Piazzolla’s work, so it’s good to see a record...
Reviewed by Chris Moss in issue: October/2021
Iorram (Boat Song) begins with electro-washes of ambient sound, swooping back and forth, as if in the process of self...
Reviewed by Tim Cumming in issue: October/2021
With last issue’s Devil’s Fiddle album, the recent Daj Ognia disc with its dance-of-death track and this Wicher release, maybe...
Reviewed by Simon Broughton in issue: October/2021
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