Akleja are nyckelharpa players Regina Kunkel and Björn Kaidel (who also plays guitar and Irish bouzouki). Wasser und Erde (Water...
Reviewed by Tim Cumming in issue: July/2019
With a predominantly South African cast among musicians from 17 other countries, this multicultural collection of freedom songs, old and...
Reviewed by Nigel Williamson in issue: July/2019
With a Ronseal matter-of-factness, this second album from Cambridgeshire folk singer Nick Hart does exactly what it says on the...
Reviewed by Nathaniel Handy in issue: July/2019
The back of Samba Azul's self-titled debut reads like the playlist of a particularly nerdy Brazilian music enthusiast, featuring obscure...
Reviewed by Gabrielle Messeder in issue: July/2019
Ebo Taylor, Pat Thomas & Uhuru Yenzu
The cavalcade of 1970s and 80s African album reissues shows no signs of slowing. This one, originally released in 1982,...
Reviewed by Jim Hickson in issue: July/2019
Blitz the Ambassador is a Ghanaian American visual artist, MC and bandleader with a clutch of interesting, forward-looking albums under...
Reviewed by Jane Cornwell in issue: July/2019
It's 30 years since the creation of The Ukrainians, a unique phenomenon of British-indie-rock-meets-Ukrainian-tradition. It began with guitarist Peter Solowka...
Reviewed by Simon Broughton in issue: July/2019
First formed as a duo in 2015, Gnoss (now a quartet) have been steadily making a name for themselves on...
Reviewed by Billy Rough in issue: July/2019
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